Thanks a lot for such a cool tool.
The title says for itself.
Thanks a lot for such a cool tool.
The title says for itself.
첨부 '3' |
ShanaEncoder Translation 11
This board is for users of the ShanaEncoder international version 8
Would like to add task list export and import functionality. 0
when doing complex ASS subtitles encoding, the CPU idle rate is high and the encoding speed is low. 2
When to add GPU 2PSS qsv 2pass 1
请问编码错误“Expected number for async but found:-pix_fmt”是什么意思 1
ShanaEncoder creates larger files than other encoders using the same parameters 1
处理速率用的是时间平均值,能否改成当前实时速率。 1
希望增加文件名后缀功能Hope to add file name suffix function 2 bug feedback 02——abnormal frame rate identification 0反馈02——帧率识别异常 1
建议增加SVT-AV1软编和QSV-av1硬编 1
Pause encoding instead of failing with error when disk gets full? 1
Preservation of the list of added video files. 1
建议在尺寸设置中X和Y能等比例调整,再加入百分比缩放的选项 2版本 BUG反馈 01 ♦ version bug feedback 01 1
Need Help With SubTitles 3
建议输出文件夹可以按源文件自动创建目录,而不是统一放到一个目录。 1
硬件解码会不会影响压缩之后视频质量 1
是否能够开放 AVX512 指令集编码? 2
How to load/ include a "3DLut" in to my video for encoding? 1
希望可以出个docker版本 1
i guess both of ffmpeg version are different
e.g) 5.1.0 vs 5.1.2
probably diffent logic of vp compress processing