List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Date Views Votes
Notice ShanaEncoder Translation 8 Rina 2021.04.28 84314 0
Notice This board is for users of the ShanaEncoder international version 7 Rina 2019.07.24 90557 1
60 Simplified Chinese FFmpeg 4.1 正式发布,支持 AV1 编码 MP4,shanaencoder会更新吗? 2 file 小樱 2018.11.15 47057 0
59 English Re-Encode to folder with same basename 2 MarkW 2018.10.29 10129 0
58 English AAC Bit rates. 1 chessset5 2018.10.23 10939 0
57 English Shana Encoder and Panasonic GH5 files 1 sleeze 2018.09.18 6930 0
56 Simplified Chinese bdmv m2ts 3d资源播放出来怎么是2D的,没有加载SSIF信息?如何压制同时保留3D效果。 file 小樱 2018.09.01 50376 0
55 English shana frame back to Set segmet / crop (Q) 1 pino 2018.08.25 14120 0
54 Simplified Chinese mkv附件ass字幕样式丢失 file 小樱 2018.08.09 47262 0
53 English I want to clip a video file how do I do that with ShanaEncoder? 2 chessset5 2018.07.16 7375 0
52 English Window 10 Program Files Folder glitch. 1 chessset5 2018.07.16 10413 0
51 English Dropping files into Shana v4.9.0.1 5 chessset5 2018.07.05 9806 0
50 Simplified Chinese 如何永久的设置ShanaEncoder.sha CPU相关性,所使用的CPU核心。 3 file 小樱 2018.03.14 45485 0
49 English HEVC MP4 container hvc1 codec output option? 1 Jim 2018.02.04 12385 0
48 English How to set up open ssim - rd frds 2018.01.18 13145 0
47 Simplified Chinese ShanaEncoder HEVC如何指定-level 5.1等级压制 小樱 2018.01.14 43161 0
46 Simplified Chinese 预测时间不准确 2 file 小樱 2017.08.04 51847 0
45 English Encoding Audio to HE-AAC creates shifting of 3 frames KARA 2017.07.27 11334 0
44 Simplified Chinese ShanaEncoder如何挂dll滤镜文件,例如xy-vsfilter-aegisub32.dll,avisynth.dll,svpflow1.dll 小樱 2017.04.16 40460 0
43 English Please improve hdpi support 1 Tommaso 2017.04.11 12473 0
42 English ShanaEncoder FFmpeg 1 mak 2017.04.05 14545 0
41 Simplified Chinese ShanaEncoder如何使用svp pro插帧到60fps来压制视频 1 小樱 2017.01.31 50753 0
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