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Please write in other languages ​​such as English and not Korean.

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    Capitao 2020.07.05 00:15

    hello Rina i like knew if you can add more language in your program i do upload pr-br ( portuguese brazil ) how you say when you do new update if you can add  too thanks for all

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    Rina 2020.07.06 09:36

    Hello, Please translate through the URL below and I will add the language to the next version.

    Thank you 
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    Frank36 2020.07.12 10:16

    Translating into Spanish LA-ES in progress

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    Capitao 2021.02.21 08:56

    translation complete portuguese brazil thanks for help Lee Rina

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    love ShanaEncoder so much.


    But with the new version I can't use it anymore becaue of translation.

    The language chosen is english,


    but all is korean I think.


    Can you help me?
    Is there a german language file or how can I make one?


    Thanks Lachen

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    HeckfyImprover 2022.05.18 04:50

    I did a Russian translate in Google Doc for translates (now it's in backup sheet), please, add this into next version.

  • ?
    Frank36 2022.11.14 14:04

    Ready and translated into Spanish (Latin America)/Listo y traducida al Español (Latinoamérica)

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