T.. = Timeline support
.S. = Slice threading
A = Audio input/output
V = Video input/output
N = Dynamic number and/or type of input/output
| = Source or sink filter
TS aap AA->A Apply Affine Projection algorithm to first audio stream.
.. abench A->A Benchmark part of a filtergraph.
.. acompressor A->A Audio compressor.
.. acontrast A->A Simple audio dynamic range compression/expansion filter.
.. acopy A->A Copy the input audio unchanged to the output.
.. acue A->A Delay filtering to match a cue.
.. acrossfade AA->A Cross fade two input audio streams.
.S acrossover A->N Split audio into per-bands streams.
T. acrusher A->A Reduce audio bit resolution.
TS adeclick A->A Remove impulsive noise from input audio.
TS adeclip A->A Remove clipping from input audio.
TS adecorrelate A->A Apply decorrelation to input audio.
T. adelay A->A Delay one or more audio channels.
TS adenorm A->A Remedy denormals by adding extremely low-level noise.
T. aderivative A->A Compute derivative of input audio.
TS adrc A->A Audio Spectral Dynamic Range Controller.
TS adynamicequalizer A->A Apply Dynamic Equalization of input audio.
T. adynamicsmooth A->A Apply Dynamic Smoothing of input audio.
.. aecho A->A Add echoing to the audio.
TS aemphasis A->A Audio emphasis.
T. aeval A->A Filter audio signal according to a specified expression.
T. aexciter A->A Enhance high frequency part of audio.
T. afade A->A Fade in/out input audio.
TS afftdn A->A Denoise audio samples using FFT.
TS afftfilt A->A Apply arbitrary expressions to samples in frequency domain.
TS afir N->A Apply Finite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients in additional stream(s).
.. aformat A->A Convert the input audio to one of the specified formats.
TS afreqshift A->A Apply frequency shifting to input audio.
TS afwtdn A->A Denoise audio stream using Wavelets.
T. agate A->A Audio gate.
.S aiir A->N Apply Infinite Impulse Response filter with supplied coefficients.
T. aintegral A->A Compute integral of input audio.
.. ainterleave N->A Temporally interleave audio inputs.
T. alatency A->A Report audio filtering latency.
T. alimiter A->A Audio lookahead limiter.
TS allpass A->A Apply a two-pole all-pass filter.
.. aloop A->A Loop audio samples.
.. amerge N->A Merge two or more audio streams into a single multi-channel stream.
T. ametadata A->A Manipulate audio frame metadata.
.. amix N->A Audio mixing.
.. amultiply AA->A Multiply two audio streams.
TS anequalizer A->N Apply high-order audio parametric multi band equalizer.
TS anlmdn A->A Reduce broadband noise from stream using Non-Local Means.
TS anlmf AA->A Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Fourth algorithm to first audio stream.
TS anlms AA->A Apply Normalized Least-Mean-Squares algorithm to first audio stream.
.. anull A->A Pass the source unchanged to the output.
T. apad A->A Pad audio with silence.
T. aperms A->A Set permissions for the output audio frame.
.. aphaser A->A Add a phasing effect to the audio.
TS aphaseshift A->A Apply phase shifting to input audio.
TS apsnr AA->A Measure Audio Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
TS apsyclip A->A Audio Psychoacoustic Clipper.
.. apulsator A->A Audio pulsator.
.. arealtime A->A Slow down filtering to match realtime.
.. aresample A->A Resample audio data.
.. areverse A->A Reverse an audio clip.
TS arls AA->A Apply Recursive Least Squares algorithm to first audio stream.
TS arnndn A->A Reduce noise from speech using Recurrent Neural Networks.
TS asdr AA->A Measure Audio Signal-to-Distortion Ratio.
.. asegment A->N Segment audio stream.
.. aselect A->N Select audio frames to pass in output.
.. asendcmd A->A Send commands to filters.
T. asetnsamples A->A Set the number of samples for each output audio frames.
.. asetpts A->A Set PTS for the output audio frame.
.. asetrate A->A Change the sample rate without altering the data.
.. asettb A->A Set timebase for the audio output link.
.. ashowinfo A->A Show textual information for each audio frame.
T. asidedata A->A Manipulate audio frame side data.
TS asisdr AA->A Measure Audio Scale-Invariant Signal-to-Distortion Ratio.
TS asoftclip A->A Audio Soft Clipper.
.S aspectralstats A->A Show frequency domain statistics about audio frames.
.. asplit A->N Pass on the audio input to N audio outputs.
.S astats A->A Show time domain statistics about audio frames.
.. astreamselect N->N Select audio streams
TS asubboost A->A Boost subwoofer frequencies.
TS asubcut A->A Cut subwoofer frequencies.
TS asupercut A->A Cut super frequencies.
TS asuperpass A->A Apply high order Butterworth band-pass filter.
TS asuperstop A->A Apply high order Butterworth band-stop filter.
.. atempo A->A Adjust audio tempo.
TS atilt A->A Apply spectral tilt to audio.
.. atrim A->A Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.
.. axcorrelate AA->A Cross-correlate two audio streams.
TS bandpass A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-pass filter.
TS bandreject A->A Apply a two-pole Butterworth band-reject filter.
TS bass A->A Boost or cut lower frequencies.
TS biquad A->A Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients.
.. channelmap A->A Remap audio channels.
.. channelsplit A->N Split audio into per-channel streams.
.. chorus A->A Add a chorus effect to the audio.
.. compand A->A Compress or expand audio dynamic range.
T. compensationdelay A->A Audio Compensation Delay Line.
T. crossfeed A->A Apply headphone crossfeed filter.
TS crystalizer A->A Simple audio noise sharpening filter.
T. dcshift A->A Apply a DC shift to the audio.
T. deesser A->A Apply de-essing to the audio.
T. dialoguenhance A->A Audio Dialogue Enhancement.
.. drmeter A->A Measure audio dynamic range.
TS dynaudnorm A->A Dynamic Audio Normalizer.
.. earwax A->A Widen the stereo image.
.. ebur128 A->N EBU R128 scanner.
TS equalizer A->A Apply two-pole peaking equalization (EQ) filter.
T. extrastereo A->A Increase difference between stereo audio channels.
.. firequalizer A->A Finite Impulse Response Equalizer.
.. flanger A->A Apply a flanging effect to the audio.
.. haas A->A Apply Haas Stereo Enhancer.
.. hdcd A->A Apply High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD) decoding.
.S headphone N->A Apply headphone binaural spatialization with HRTFs in additional streams.
TS highpass A->A Apply a high-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
TS highshelf A->A Apply a high shelf filter.
.. join N->A Join multiple audio streams into multi-channel output.
.. loudnorm A->A EBU R128 loudness normalization
TS lowpass A->A Apply a low-pass filter with 3dB point frequency.
TS lowshelf A->A Apply a low shelf filter.
.. mcompand A->A Multiband Compress or expand audio dynamic range.
.. pan A->A Remix channels with coefficients (panning).
.. replaygain A->A ReplayGain scanner.
.. sidechaincompress AA->A Sidechain compressor.
T. sidechaingate AA->A Audio sidechain gate.
.. silencedetect A->A Detect silence.
T. silenceremove A->A Remove silence.
T. speechnorm A->A Speech Normalizer.
T. stereotools A->A Apply various stereo tools.
T. stereowiden A->A Apply stereo widening effect.
.. superequalizer A->A Apply 18 band equalization filter.
.S surround A->A Apply audio surround upmix filter.
TS tiltshelf A->A Apply a tilt shelf filter.
TS treble A->A Boost or cut upper frequencies.
T. tremolo A->A Apply tremolo effect.
T. vibrato A->A Apply vibrato effect.
T. virtualbass A->A Audio Virtual Bass.
T. volume A->A Change input volume.
.. volumedetect A->A Detect audio volume.
.. aevalsrc |->A Generate an audio signal generated by an expression.
.. afdelaysrc |->A Generate a Fractional delay FIR coefficients.
.. afireqsrc |->A Generate a FIR equalizer coefficients audio stream.
.. afirsrc |->A Generate a FIR coefficients audio stream.
.. anoisesrc |->A Generate a noise audio signal.
.. anullsrc |->A Null audio source, return empty audio frames.
.. hilbert |->A Generate a Hilbert transform FIR coefficients.
.. sinc |->A Generate a sinc kaiser-windowed low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-reject FIR coefficients.
.. sine |->A Generate sine wave audio signal.
.. anullsink A->| Do absolutely nothing with the input audio.
.. addroi V->V Add region of interest to frame.
.. alphaextract V->V Extract an alpha channel as a grayscale image component.
T. alphamerge VV->V Copy the luma value of the second input into the alpha channel of the first input.
TS amplify V->V Amplify changes between successive video frames.
.. ass V->V Render ASS subtitles onto input video using the libass library.
TS atadenoise V->V Apply an Adaptive Temporal Averaging Denoiser.
T. avgblur V->V Apply Average Blur filter.
.. avgblur_opencl V->V Apply average blur filter
.. avgblur_vulkan V->V Apply avgblur mask to input video
TS backgroundkey V->V Turns a static background into transparency.
T. bbox V->V Compute bounding box for each frame.
.. bench V->V Benchmark part of a filtergraph.
TS bilateral V->V Apply Bilateral filter.
T. bitplanenoise V->V Measure bit plane noise.
.S blackdetect V->V Detect video intervals that are (almost) black.
.. blackframe V->V Detect frames that are (almost) black.
TS blend VV->V Blend two video frames into each other.
.. blend_vulkan VV->V Blend two video frames in Vulkan
.. blockdetect V->V Blockdetect filter.
.. blurdetect V->V Blurdetect filter.
TS bm3d N->V Block-Matching 3D denoiser.
T. boxblur V->V Blur the input.
.. boxblur_opencl V->V Apply boxblur filter to input video
TS bwdif V->V Deinterlace the input image.
T. bwdif_vulkan V->V Deinterlace Vulkan frames via bwdif
TS cas V->V Contrast Adaptive Sharpen.
.. ccrepack V->V Repack CEA-708 closed caption metadata
.. chromaber_vulkan V->V Offset chroma of input video (chromatic aberration)
TS chromahold V->V Turns a certain color range into gray.
TS chromakey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
TS chromanr V->V Reduce chrominance noise.
TS chromashift V->V Shift chroma.
.. ciescope V->V Video CIE scope.
T. codecview V->V Visualize information about some codecs.
TS colorbalance V->V Adjust the color balance.
TS colorchannelmixer V->V Adjust colors by mixing color channels.
TS colorcontrast V->V Adjust color contrast between RGB components.
TS colorcorrect V->V Adjust color white balance selectively for blacks and whites.
TS colorize V->V Overlay a solid color on the video stream.
TS colorkey V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
.. colorkey_opencl V->V Turns a certain color into transparency. Operates on RGB colors.
TS colorhold V->V Turns a certain color range into gray. Operates on RGB colors.
TS colorlevels V->V Adjust the color levels.
TS colormap VVV->V Apply custom Color Maps to video stream.
TS colormatrix V->V Convert color matrix.
TS colorspace V->V Convert between colorspaces.
TS colortemperature V->V Adjust color temperature of video.
TS convolution V->V Apply convolution filter.
.. convolution_opencl V->V Apply convolution mask to input video
TS convolve VV->V Convolve first video stream with second video stream.
.. copy V->V Copy the input video unchanged to the output.
TS corr VV->V Calculate the correlation between two video streams.
.. cover_rect V->V Find and cover a user specified object.
.. crop V->V Crop the input video.
T. cropdetect V->V Auto-detect crop size.
.. cue V->V Delay filtering to match a cue.
TS curves V->V Adjust components curves.
.S datascope V->V Video data analysis.
T. dblur V->V Apply Directional Blur filter.
TS dctdnoiz V->V Denoise frames using 2D DCT.
TS deband V->V Debands video.
T. deblock V->V Deblock video.
.. decimate N->V Decimate frames (post field matching filter).
TS deconvolve VV->V Deconvolve first video stream with second video stream.
TS dedot V->V Reduce cross-luminance and cross-color.
TS deflate V->V Apply deflate effect.
.. deflicker V->V Remove temporal frame luminance variations.
.. deinterlace_qsv V->V Quick Sync Video "deinterlacing"
.. dejudder V->V Remove judder produced by pullup.
T. delogo V->V Remove logo from input video.
.. deshake V->V Stabilize shaky video.
.. deshake_opencl V->V Feature-point based video stabilization filter
TS despill V->V Despill video.
.. detelecine V->V Apply an inverse telecine pattern.
TS dilation V->V Apply dilation effect.
.. dilation_opencl V->V Apply dilation effect
TS displace VVV->V Displace pixels.
.S doubleweave V->V Weave input video fields into double number of frames.
T. drawbox V->V Draw a colored box on the input video.
.. drawgraph V->V Draw a graph using input video metadata.
T. drawgrid V->V Draw a colored grid on the input video.
T. drawtext V->V Draw text on top of video frames using libfreetype library.
T. edgedetect V->V Detect and draw edge.
.. elbg V->V Apply posterize effect, using the ELBG algorithm.
T. entropy V->V Measure video frames entropy.
.S epx V->V Scale the input using EPX algorithm.
T. eq V->V Adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, and saturation.
TS erosion V->V Apply erosion effect.
.. erosion_opencl V->V Apply erosion effect
TS estdif V->V Apply Edge Slope Tracing deinterlace.
TS exposure V->V Adjust exposure of the video stream.
.. extractplanes V->N Extract planes as grayscale frames.
TS fade V->V Fade in/out input video.
T. feedback VV->VV Apply feedback video filter.
TS fftdnoiz V->V Denoise frames using 3D FFT.
TS fftfilt V->V Apply arbitrary expressions to pixels in frequency domain.
.. field V->V Extract a field from the input video.
.. fieldhint V->V Field matching using hints.
.. fieldmatch N->V Field matching for inverse telecine.
T. fieldorder V->V Set the field order.
T. fillborders V->V Fill borders of the input video.
.. find_rect V->V Find a user specified object.
.. flip_vulkan V->V Flip both horizontally and vertically
T. floodfill V->V Fill area with same color with another color.
.. format V->V Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats.
.. fps V->V Force constant framerate.
.. framepack VV->V Generate a frame packed stereoscopic video.
.S framerate V->V Upsamples or downsamples progressive source between specified frame rates.
T. framestep V->V Select one frame every N frames.
.. freezedetect V->V Detects frozen video input.
.. freezeframes VV->V Freeze video frames.
T. fspp V->V Apply Fast Simple Post-processing filter.
.. fsync V->V Synchronize video frames from external source.
TS gblur V->V Apply Gaussian Blur filter.
.. gblur_vulkan V->V Gaussian Blur in Vulkan
TS geq V->V Apply generic equation to each pixel.
T. gradfun V->V Debands video quickly using gradients.
.. graphmonitor V->V Show various filtergraph stats.
TS grayworld V->V Adjust white balance using LAB gray world algorithm
TS greyedge V->V Estimates scene illumination by grey edge assumption.
TS guided N->V Apply Guided filter.
TS haldclut VV->V Adjust colors using a Hald CLUT.
TS hflip V->V Horizontally flip the input video.
.. hflip_vulkan V->V Horizontally flip the input video in Vulkan
T. histeq V->V Apply global color histogram equalization.
.. histogram V->V Compute and draw a histogram.
TS hqdn3d V->V Apply a High Quality 3D Denoiser.
.S hqx V->V Scale the input by 2, 3 or 4 using the hq*x magnification algorithm.
.S hstack N->V Stack video inputs horizontally.
TS hsvhold V->V Turns a certain HSV range into gray.
TS hsvkey V->V Turns a certain HSV range into transparency. Operates on YUV colors.
T. hue V->V Adjust the hue and saturation of the input video.
TS huesaturation V->V Apply hue-saturation-intensity adjustments.
.. hwdownload V->V Download a hardware frame to a normal frame
.. hwmap V->V Map hardware frames
.. hwupload V->V Upload a normal frame to a hardware frame
.. hwupload_cuda V->V Upload a system memory frame to a CUDA device.
T. hysteresis VV->V Grow first stream into second stream by connecting components.
TS identity VV->V Calculate the Identity between two video streams.
.. idet V->V Interlace detect Filter.
T. il V->V Deinterleave or interleave fields.
TS inflate V->V Apply inflate effect.
.. interlace V->V Convert progressive video into interlaced.
.. interleave N->V Temporally interleave video inputs.
.. kerndeint V->V Apply kernel deinterlacing to the input.
TS kirsch V->V Apply kirsch operator.
TS lagfun V->V Slowly update darker pixels.
T. latency V->V Report video filtering latency.
TS lenscorrection V->V Rectify the image by correcting for lens distortion.
.. libplacebo N->V Apply various GPU filters from libplacebo
TS limitdiff N->V Apply filtering with limiting difference.
TS limiter V->V Limit pixels components to the specified range.
.. loop V->V Loop video frames.
TS lumakey V->V Turns a certain luma into transparency.
TS lut V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB/YUV input video.
TS lut1d V->V Adjust colors using a 1D LUT.
TS lut2 VV->V Compute and apply a lookup table from two video inputs.
TS lut3d V->V Adjust colors using a 3D LUT.
TS lutrgb V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the RGB input video.
TS lutyuv V->V Compute and apply a lookup table to the YUV input video.
TS maskedclamp VVV->V Clamp first stream with second stream and third stream.
TS maskedmax VVV->V Apply filtering with maximum difference of two streams.
TS maskedmerge VVV->V Merge first stream with second stream using third stream as mask.
TS maskedmin VVV->V Apply filtering with minimum difference of two streams.
TS maskedthreshold VV->V Pick pixels comparing absolute difference of two streams with threshold.
TS maskfun V->V Create Mask.
.. mcdeint V->V Apply motion compensating deinterlacing.
TS median V->V Apply Median filter.
.. mergeplanes N->V Merge planes.
.. mestimate V->V Generate motion vectors.
T. metadata V->V Manipulate video frame metadata.
T. midequalizer VV->V Apply Midway Equalization.
.. minterpolate V->V Frame rate conversion using Motion Interpolation.
TS mix N->V Mix video inputs.
TS monochrome V->V Convert video to gray using custom color filter.
TS morpho VV->V Apply Morphological filter.
.. mpdecimate V->V Remove near-duplicate frames.
TS msad VV->V Calculate the MSAD between two video streams.
TS multiply VV->V Multiply first video stream with second video stream.
TS negate V->V Negate input video.
TS nlmeans V->V Non-local means denoiser.
.. nlmeans_opencl V->V Non-local means denoiser through OpenCL
.. nlmeans_vulkan V->V Non-local means denoiser (Vulkan)
TS nnedi V->V Apply neural network edge directed interpolation intra-only deinterlacer.
.. noformat V->V Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the input to the next filter.
TS noise V->V Add noise.
T. normalize V->V Normalize RGB video.
.. null V->V Pass the source unchanged to the output.
T. oscilloscope V->V 2D Video Oscilloscope.
TS overlay VV->V Overlay a video source on top of the input.
.. overlay_opencl VV->V Overlay one video on top of another
.. overlay_qsv VV->V Quick Sync Video overlay.
.. overlay_vulkan VV->V Overlay a source on top of another
T. owdenoise V->V Denoise using wavelets.
.. pad V->V Pad the input video.
.. pad_opencl V->V Pad the input video.
.. palettegen V->V Find the optimal palette for a given stream.
.. paletteuse VV->V Use a palette to downsample an input video stream.
T. perms V->V Set permissions for the output video frame.
TS perspective V->V Correct the perspective of video.
T. phase V->V Phase shift fields.
.. photosensitivity V->V Filter out photosensitive epilepsy seizure-inducing flashes.
.. pixdesctest V->V Test pixel format definitions.
TS pixelize V->V Pixelize video.
T. pixscope V->V Pixel data analysis.
T. pp V->V Filter video using libpostproc.
T. pp7 V->V Apply Postprocessing 7 filter.
TS premultiply N->V PreMultiply first stream with first plane of second stream.
TS prewitt V->V Apply prewitt operator.
.. prewitt_opencl V->V Apply prewitt operator
.. program_opencl N->V Filter video using an OpenCL program
TS pseudocolor V->V Make pseudocolored video frames.
TS psnr VV->V Calculate the PSNR between two video streams.
.. pullup V->V Pullup from field sequence to frames.
T. qp V->V Change video quantization parameters.
.. random V->V Return random frames.
TS readeia608 V->V Read EIA-608 Closed Caption codes from input video and write them to frame metadata.
.. readvitc V->V Read vertical interval timecode and write it to frame metadata.
.. realtime V->V Slow down filtering to match realtime.
.S remap VVV->V Remap pixels.
.. remap_opencl VVV->V Remap pixels using OpenCL.
TS removegrain V->V Remove grain.
T. removelogo V->V Remove a TV logo based on a mask image.
.. repeatfields V->V Hard repeat fields based on MPEG repeat field flag.
.. reverse V->V Reverse a clip.
TS rgbashift V->V Shift RGBA.
TS roberts V->V Apply roberts cross operator.
.. roberts_opencl V->V Apply roberts operator
TS rotate V->V Rotate the input image.
T. sab V->V Apply shape adaptive blur.
.. scale V->V Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format.
.. scale_qsv V->V Quick Sync Video "scaling and format conversion"
.. scale_vulkan V->V Scale Vulkan frames
.. scale2ref VV->VV Scale the input video size and/or convert the image format to the given reference.
.. scdet V->V Detect video scene change
TS scharr V->V Apply scharr operator.
TS scroll V->V Scroll input video.
.. segment V->N Segment video stream.
.. select V->N Select video frames to pass in output.
TS selectivecolor V->V Apply CMYK adjustments to specific color ranges.
.. sendcmd V->V Send commands to filters.
.. separatefields V->V Split input video frames into fields.
.. setdar V->V Set the frame display aspect ratio.
.. setfield V->V Force field for the output video frame.
.. setparams V->V Force field, or color property for the output video frame.
.. setpts V->V Set PTS for the output video frame.
.. setrange V->V Force color range for the output video frame.
.. setsar V->V Set the pixel sample aspect ratio.
.. settb V->V Set timebase for the video output link.
TS shear V->V Shear transform the input image.
.. showinfo V->V Show textual information for each video frame.
.. showpalette V->V Display frame palette.
T. shuffleframes V->V Shuffle video frames.
TS shufflepixels V->V Shuffle video pixels.
T. shuffleplanes V->V Shuffle video planes.
T. sidedata V->V Manipulate video frame side data.
.S signalstats V->V Generate statistics from video analysis.
.. signature N->V Calculate the MPEG-7 video signature
.. siti V->V Calculate spatial information (SI) and temporal information (TI).
T. smartblur V->V Blur the input video without impacting the outlines.
TS sobel V->V Apply sobel operator.
.. sobel_opencl V->V Apply sobel operator
.. split V->N Pass on the input to N video outputs.
T. spp V->V Apply a simple post processing filter.
TS ssim VV->V Calculate the SSIM between two video streams.
.. ssim360 VV->V Calculate the SSIM between two 360 video streams.
.S stereo3d V->V Convert video stereoscopic 3D view.
.. streamselect N->N Select video streams
.. subtitles V->V Render text subtitles onto input video using the libass library.
.S super2xsai V->V Scale the input by 2x using the Super2xSaI pixel art algorithm.
T. swaprect V->V Swap 2 rectangular objects in video.
T. swapuv V->V Swap U and V components.
TS tblend V->V Blend successive frames.
.. telecine V->V Apply a telecine pattern.
.. thistogram V->V Compute and draw a temporal histogram.
TS threshold VVVV->V Threshold first video stream using other video streams.
TS thumbnail V->V Select the most representative frame in a given sequence of consecutive frames.
.. tile V->V Tile several successive frames together.
.. tiltandshift V->V Generate a tilt-and-shift'd video.
.. tinterlace V->V Perform temporal field interlacing.
TS tlut2 V->V Compute and apply a lookup table from two successive frames.
TS tmedian V->V Pick median pixels from successive frames.
T. tmidequalizer V->V Apply Temporal Midway Equalization.
TS tmix V->V Mix successive video frames.
.S tonemap V->V Conversion to/from different dynamic ranges.
.. tonemap_opencl V->V Perform HDR to SDR conversion with tonemapping.
.. tpad V->V Temporarily pad video frames.
.S transpose V->V Transpose input video.
.. transpose_opencl V->V Transpose input video
.. transpose_vulkan V->V Transpose Vulkan Filter
.. trim V->V Pick one continuous section from the input, drop the rest.
TS unpremultiply N->V UnPreMultiply first stream with first plane of second stream.
TS unsharp V->V Sharpen or blur the input video.
.. unsharp_opencl V->V Apply unsharp mask to input video
.. untile V->V Untile a frame into a sequence of frames.
TS uspp V->V Apply Ultra Simple / Slow Post-processing filter.
.S v360 V->V Convert 360 projection of video.
T. vaguedenoiser V->V Apply a Wavelet based Denoiser.
TS varblur VV->V Apply Variable Blur filter.
.. vectorscope V->V Video vectorscope.
T. vflip V->V Flip the input video vertically.
.. vflip_vulkan V->V Vertically flip the input video in Vulkan
.. vfrdet V->V Variable frame rate detect filter.
TS vibrance V->V Boost or alter saturation.
.. vidstabdetect V->V Extract relative transformations, pass 1 of 2 for stabilization (see vidstabtransform for pass 2).
.. vidstabtransform V->V Transform the frames, pass 2 of 2 for stabilization (see vidstabdetect for pass 1).
TS vif VV->V Calculate the VIF between two video streams.
T. vignette V->V Make or reverse a vignette effect.
.. vmafmotion V->V Calculate the VMAF Motion score.
.. vpp_qsv V->V Quick Sync Video "VPP"
.S vstack N->V Stack video inputs vertically.
TS w3fdif V->V Apply Martin Weston three field deinterlace.
.S waveform V->V Video waveform monitor.
.S weave V->V Weave input video fields into frames.
.S xbr V->V Scale the input using xBR algorithm.
TS xcorrelate VV->V Cross-correlate first video stream with second video stream.
.S xfade VV->V Cross fade one video with another video.
.. xfade_opencl VV->V Cross fade one video with another video.
.. xfade_vulkan VV->V Cross fade one video with another video.
TS xmedian N->V Pick median pixels from several video inputs.
T. xpsnr VV->V Calculate the extended perceptually weighted peak signal-to-noise ratio (XPSNR) between two video streams.
.S xstack N->V Stack video inputs into custom layout.
TS yadif V->V Deinterlace the input image.
TS yaepblur V->V Yet another edge preserving blur filter.
.. zoompan V->V Apply Zoom & Pan effect.
.S zscale V->V Apply resizing, colorspace and bit depth conversion.
.. hstack_qsv N->V "Quick Sync Video" hstack
.. vstack_qsv N->V "Quick Sync Video" vstack
.. xstack_qsv N->V "Quick Sync Video" xstack
.. allrgb |->V Generate all RGB colors.
.. allyuv |->V Generate all yuv colors.
.. cellauto |->V Create pattern generated by an elementary cellular automaton.
.. color |->V Provide an uniformly colored input.
.. color_vulkan |->V Generate a constant color (Vulkan)
.. colorchart |->V Generate color checker chart.
.. colorspectrum |->V Generate colors spectrum.
.. ddagrab |->V Grab Windows Desktop images using Desktop Duplication API
.S gradients |->V Draw a gradients.
.. haldclutsrc |->V Provide an identity Hald CLUT.
.. life |->V Create life.
.. mandelbrot |->V Render a Mandelbrot fractal.
.. mptestsrc |->V Generate various test pattern.
.. nullsrc |->V Null video source, return unprocessed video frames.
.. openclsrc |->V Generate video using an OpenCL program
.. pal75bars |->V Generate PAL 75% color bars.
.. pal100bars |->V Generate PAL 100% color bars.
.. perlin |->V Generate Perlin noise
.. rgbtestsrc |->V Generate RGB test pattern.
.S sierpinski |->V Render a Sierpinski fractal.
.. smptebars |->V Generate SMPTE color bars.
.. smptehdbars |->V Generate SMPTE HD color bars.
.. testsrc |->V Generate test pattern.
.. testsrc2 |->V Generate another test pattern.
.. yuvtestsrc |->V Generate YUV test pattern.
.S zoneplate |->V Generate zone-plate.
.. nullsink V->| Do absolutely nothing with the input video.
.. a3dscope A->V Convert input audio to 3d scope video output.
.. abitscope A->V Convert input audio to audio bit scope video output.
.. adrawgraph A->V Draw a graph using input audio metadata.
.. agraphmonitor A->V Show various filtergraph stats.
.. ahistogram A->V Convert input audio to histogram video output.
.. aphasemeter A->N Convert input audio to phase meter video output.
.S avectorscope A->V Convert input audio to vectorscope video output.
.. concat N->N Concatenate audio and video streams.
.. showcqt A->V Convert input audio to a CQT (Constant/Clamped Q Transform) spectrum video output.
.S showcwt A->V Convert input audio to a CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform) spectrum video output.
.. showfreqs A->V Convert input audio to a frequencies video output.
.S showspatial A->V Convert input audio to a spatial video output.
.S showspectrum A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output.
.S showspectrumpic A->V Convert input audio to a spectrum video output single picture.
.. showvolume A->V Convert input audio volume to video output.
.. showwaves A->V Convert input audio to a video output.
.. showwavespic A->V Convert input audio to a video output single picture.
.. spectrumsynth VV->A Convert input spectrum videos to audio output.
.. avsynctest |->AV Generate an Audio Video Sync Test.
.. amovie |->N Read audio from a movie source.
.. movie |->N Read from a movie source.
.. abuffer |->A Buffer audio frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain.
.. buffer |->V Buffer video frames, and make them accessible to the filterchain.
.. abuffersink A->| Buffer audio frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph.
.. buffersink V->| Buffer video frames, and make them available to the end of the filter graph.
2024.12.31 15:04
ShanaEncoder Filters
조회 수 12
ShanaEncoder Formats
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ShanaEncoder Codecs
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ShanaEncoder Filters
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ShanaEncoder Parameters
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ShanaEncoder Formats
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ShanaEncoder Codecs
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ShanaEncoder Filters
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ShanaEncoder Parameters
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